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Design & Install Brother SOUPHAXAY COMPUTER LAOS

Design & Install Brother SOUPHAXAY COMPUTER LAOS

Designed, produced, and installed at Brother, Suphachai Shop (SOUPHAXAY COMPUTER LAOS).

Designed and produced the central table for the shop, along with creating the BMB Backdrop Stand wall and an LED table.
The result is beautiful and well-balanced, with durability for long-term use.

Thank you for trusting The Infinity Grand. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

At The Infinity Grand, we design and decorate built-ins according to our customers’ preferences within a suitable budget.

Interested? Call us at 02-878-0990 ext. 15 and 086-992-4646,
or add us on Line at @theinfinitygrand (https://lin.ee/hOavv5O).

Email: admin@theinfinitygrand.co.th
Our admin is available to respond and assist you at all times.